SMS - Strategic Marketing Services
SMS stands for Strategic Marketing Services
Here you will find, what does SMS stand for in Marketing under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Strategic Marketing Services? Strategic Marketing Services can be abbreviated as SMS What does SMS stand for? SMS stands for Strategic Marketing Services. What does Strategic Marketing Services mean?The Marketing company falls under market research category and is located in Cedar Falls, Iowa.
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Alternative definitions of SMS
- Shared Medical Systems
- Shared Medical Systems Corporation
- Short Message System
- Short Messaging Service
- Short Messages Service
- Short Message Services
- System Managed Storage
- Systems Management Server
View 409 other definitions of SMS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SABEN South African Broadband Education Networks
- SPG Sim Property Group
- SIM Stealth Interactive Media
- SRE St. Royal Entertainment
- SAL Shoreland Access Ltd
- SCSN Snet Communications Silver Networks
- SSL Social Sense Limited
- SGI Searles Graphics Inc.
- SSC The Simple Solution Computing
- SCF Seaside Casual Furniture
- SPI Sunrise Painting Inc.
- SEM Signal Entertainment Marketing
- SEUW Sioux Empire United Way
- SC School for Ceos
- SBA Signum Business Advisers
- SHS Sycamore High School
- SLC Southwark Law Centre
- SAFI Southern Athletic Fields Inc.
- SFHT The Stable Family Home Trust
- SE S n Enterprises